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Writer's pictureT.R.Radhakrishnan

The Concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्) "The World is One Family".

For Happiness, Prosperity, Progress, Peace and Harmony of The World.

Happiness is a state of mind comes out of a feeling within at any point of time without any rhyme or reason. Bhagavat Gita states, “One can derive true happiness only by achieving a peaceful state of mind”. Bhagavat Gita places human destiny entirely in human hands. “Its world is not deterministic, but neither is it an expression of blind chance: we shape ourselves and our world by what we believe and think and act on, whether for good or for ill.'”

The purpose of human endeavour is to make life happy for you as well as others. “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” (Aristotle). Being happy does not mean that everything is perfect. It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfection. The success in life depends upon how well you integrate your personal life, professional life and the social life along with the environment and ecosystem where we live to produce harmony and happiness not only for yourself but also for others who are associated with you including the ecosystem.

The greatest challenge of life is facing the unpredictable and unknown future. Yesterday is gone, today is present and that too the moment you live and face whatever that happens at that particular point of time is the reality and how you feel and face that moment is the greatest task. Tomorrow is a mirage. But the complexities and contradictions of you face in your life with its problems and predicaments and the great expectations that dwell within you when belied, make your life very frustrating many times. Under such circumstances the objective of attaining happiness and tranquillityget eroded affecting your morale and confidence and the relationships built thereon with others. Hence, it becomes imperative that such circumstances are to be avoided from occurring and you have to face the situations squarely and take the things as they are and change your own attitude in such a way that you keep up your happiness and that of those who are associated with you so as to create an atmosphere of trust, hope, confidence and determination to succeed. It may be a difficult task but not an impossible one.

What is the reason for people to become unhappy? The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be. What is the solution? If you want to live a happy life, tie to a goal, not to people or things.” (Albert Einstein.) Bhagavat Gita Says, “The person who has no trust but has doubt cannot be a happy person

Considering the importance of being happy which will enhance the quality of work life, personal life and social life, we have to enforce our motto and the norms for being ‘How to be happy where ever you are’. We have to understand how essential it is to be happy so that they can create a wonderful environment where ever we are, whatever we do and whomever we meet. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. It is worth remembering that the lives of successful people have shown that the quality of our life is not determined by what happens to us, but what we do about what happens.

When you feel happy, you may realise that the happiness is a personal feeling but need not necessarily confine to you alone but may percolate to others also. It is a contagious feeling. Anything that entice you like pursuing a nature’s charm with its scenic beauty, a melodious song, harmonious lively and lovely surroundings, then you will find that you are one with nature and you feel an unprecedented happiness for whatever reasons you may not know. At the same time if there is someone who cares and concerns for you who shares your feelings, the happiness is doubled. Sharing and caring improves happiness by doubling our joy and dividing our grief.

A Soothing word, a loving look, a smiling face, a laughing mood, a hugging gesture, a helping hand, dancing together, a healing touch, a sincere praise, a genuine encouragement, extended by you without any expectation in return to anyone who is eagerly awaiting true and honest love, understanding and acceptance will make the giver and the receiver true happiness and elation which is beyond expression and but can be felt only within.  The happiness and joy coming out when we expose our true self with no purpose other than to understand and be understood and to share and care among us is the only way to happiness and tranquillity to create a true feeling of “one for all and all for one.”

What we need to day is love, affection, understanding, compassion and empathy. When we are able to feel the emotions of the other person and feel the way he feels, and when we talk the language of love and understanding, then it opens up a new beginning of an endearing and enduring relationship not only among the people but also among the nations.  

The little that we can do would make the world brighter and happier.

“If any little word of mine

“If any little word of mine

May make a life brighter,

If any little song of mine

May make a heart the lighter,

God help me to speak the little word

And take my bit of singing,

And drop it in some lonely vale

To set the echoes ringing.

If any little love of mine

May make the life sweeter,

If any little care of mine

May make a friend’s the fleeter

If any little lift may ease

The burden of another,

God give me love, and care, and strength

To help my toiling brother”.

The power of love is,

“Across the gateway of my heart

I wrote “No Thoroughfare.”

But love came laughing by, and cried:

“I enter everywhere.”

And our motto of life shall be:

“Do all good you can,

By all means you can,

In all ways you can,

In all places you can,

To all people you can,

As long as ever you can,

And with all love you can.”

Will we not be able to build a wonderful, happy and peaceful world of love and understanding, sharing and caring for each other and most importantly protecting our environment with all its glory along with its flora and fauna in their natural habitat and

flourishing? We can. “If there is a will, there is a way”. We have the will; we can surely find the way. With sincerity of purpose and determined Perseverance, the noble destiny shall be ours. We invoke the clarion call of Swami Vivekananda, “ARISE, AWAKE and STOP NOT TILL THE GOAL IS REACHED” The World needs us. We have to protect the world. We have to make people live happily and in peace with in our environment and ecology flourishing. Don’t you think so?

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